Hannah Cole Primary Students will celebrate Kindness Week from February 22-26. (Rescheduled dates)
Monday, February 22:
Team up & Be Kind - Favorite Sports Team Day!
#RAK: Smile and say “hello” to others in the hallway!
Tuesday, February 23:
Dream of Kindness - Pajama Day!
#RAK: Hold the door for someone!
Wednesday, February 24:
Peace, Love & Kindness - Tie-Dye Day!
#RAK: Write a Thank You note to a staff member!(Such as a teacher, custodian, bus driver, secretary, lunch person, school nurse, etc.)
Thursday, February 25:
We Don't Hide from Kindness- Wear camouflage or brown/black/green!
#RAK: Invite someone to join you at recess!
Friday, February, 26:
Be Red-Y to be Kind - Wear Red!
#RAK: Compliment others today!